Nett differences: Commercials +58858 (from +59626) Large Specs -38557 (from -37851)
Small Specs -20301 (from -21775)
Commercials (54.6% of total o/i) -
71.4% of Longs (from 67.1%), 37.8% of Shorts (vs 35.1%), balance plus 33.6 (vs plus 32.0)
Large Specs (31.5% of total) -
20.5% of Longs (from 25.4%), 42.5% of Shorts (vs 45.7%), balance minus 22.0 (vs minus 20.3)
Small Specs (13.9% of total) -
8.1% of Longs (from 7.5%), 19.7% of Shorts (vs 19.2%), balance minus 11.6 (vs minus 11.7)
Not much change in outright numbers, but proportionately Commercials have added to longs rather more than they added to shorts, remaining overall on the bull tack. Large Specs cut all positions, while remaining nett short. Small Specs also stayed short - it still seems likely that the Pound will continue to rise.
Not much change in outright numbers, but proportionately Commercials have added to longs rather more than they added to shorts, remaining overall on the bull tack. Large Specs cut all positions, while remaining nett short. Small Specs also stayed short - it still seems likely that the Pound will continue to rise.
Dollar Index: Total o/i 116148, spreads 2036 (1.8%). Closing price Mar 24th 97.45
Nett differences: Commercials -88574 (from -100818) Large Specs +71227 (from +79726)
Small Specs +17347 (from +21092)
Small Specs +17347 (from +21092)
Proportions -
Commercials (47.2% of total o/i) - 8.4% of Longs (from 8.5%), 86.0% of Shorts (vs 85.6%), balance minus 77.6 (vs minus 77.1)
Large Specs (41.9% of total) - 73.1% of Longs (from 73.8%), 10.7% of Shorts (vs 12.8%), balance plus 62.4 (vs plus 61.0)
Specs (10.9% of total) - 18.5% of Longs (from 17.7%), 3.3% of Shorts (vs 1.6%), balance plus 15.2
(vs plus 16.1)
Unlike the situation in Sterling, there has been a marked change in nett numbers but very little in the proportionate - Commercials remain short, Specs remain long. We'll stay with the Commercials.
Unlike the situation in Sterling, there has been a marked change in nett numbers but very little in the proportionate - Commercials remain short, Specs remain long. We'll stay with the Commercials.
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