Saturday, 31 August 2013

COT data of Aug 27th 2013 - British Pound [BP]

British Pounds - Total o/i  149328; spreads 3858 (= 2.6%). Closing price on Aug 27th: 1.5545

Nett differences:
Commercials +43762 (from +40931)  Large Specs -38226 (from -39522).  Small Specs -5536 (from -1409).
Commercials (47.4% of total o/i) - 62.4% of Longs, 32.3% of Shorts, balance plus 30.1
Large Specs (33.8% of total) - 20.6% of Longs, 46.9% of Shorts, balance minus 26.3
Small Specs (18.8% of total) - 17.0% of Longs, 20.8% of Shorts, balance minus 3.8
Prices have fallen, but only slightly. Commercials added to longs, but added slightly more to shorts, moving towards a more normal share of the (increased) total open interest. Small Specs reduced longs and added to shorts, but not to a significant extent. These figures suggest, if anything, that the current minor downtrend should continue.

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