British Pounds - Total o/i 24147; spreads 4202 (2.1.7%). Closing price on Feb 18th 1.6685
Commercials -40297 (from -23104) Large Specs +22323 (from +10672) Small Specs +17974 (from +12432)
Commercials (59.2% of total o/i) - 50.7% of Longs, 67.7% of Shorts, balance minus 17.0
Large Specs (27.4% of total) - 32.1% of Longs, 22.7% of Shorts, balance plus 9.4 Small Specs (13.4% of total) - 17.2% of Longs, 9.6% of Shorts, balance plus 7.6
Although none of the positions are extreme, Commercials appear to have taken advantage of the recent rise to liquidate longs (at least on a 'proportionate' basis), dropping from a 57.6% share of the total long position to only 50.7%. Large Specs, on the other hand, have added to their longs - as have Small Specs, although not to an extreme extent. On balance, a lasting move to higher prices seems unlikely.